Claims Administration

At ClaimsTrax we provide you with a single location where you can reliably obtain professional, quality, and results oriented services your business requires. ClaimsTrax is the leading National enterprise for insurance claims management. We effectively provide the back office support and quality control over all field activities so our clients can focus on settling claims and closing files.

ClaimsTrax uses state of the art proven technology throughout the entire claims process. Our technology allows our adjusters and clients the ability to view the claims process in real time. This allows our panel of adjusters to be more efficient on the job and this also keeps an open line of communication with our clients which is essential during the claims process.

At ClaimsTrax our success is based upon the consistent and reliable performances of our experienced claims professionals. We take the time to make absolutely sure that our claims professionals know exactly what our client’s needs and expectations are and we deliver those expectations on each and every claim. ClaimsTrax is steadily becoming a clear alternative to other national vendors. Through our growing support of valued clients Claimstrax is creating a viable and real alternative to other national services available today.